On the morning of 20 March, Sant Bhagwant Sahebji was welcomed into the Sabhã Marquee by 250 youths dressed in white. It was a breathtaking moment bringing back memories of when Sant Bhagwant Sahebji himself had arranged this for Brahmaswaroop Shastriji Mahãrãj’s centennial celebrations, according to Gurudev Yogiji Mahãrãj’s aagna, and it was a perfect start to the Youth Convention that morning.
Pujya Dr Manojbhai Soni : "This youth conference is less to provide lessons for the youths, but more to experience the lives being lived in this way. And so the prayer for this Mahaparva is simply, ‘He Prabhu! Taru karya, tari reete, keval tane raaji karva’…"
Param Pujya Goswami 108 Shri Dwarkeshlalji Mahãrãj : "When the motherly compassion, sweetness and love that has overflowed out of Yogi Bapa and Sant Bhagwant Sahebji can be experienced in the thoughts, words and actions of their haribhakto – what greater accomplishment can there be? Sant Bhagwant Sahebji is a natural Yogi !... He is dripping with every virtue….and the constant sadbhav he has for everyone’s liberation, is beyond measure ! In the entire Sanantan history, if anyone has brought about the unparalleled confluence of karma, gnan and bhakti and distributed its divine nectar to all, then it is only Sant Bhagwant Sahebji ! Sant Bhagwant Sahebji’s ‘Anoopam Mission’ is in the true sense of the word anoopam (incomparable)!!"
Pujya Ashvinbhai : "When Sant Bhagwant Sahebji was asked how he could unconditionally accept everything that Yogiji Mahãrãj preached, he replied, “Yogiji Mahãrãj’s everflowing love prevented him from even thinking of anything other than what Yogiji Mahãrãj would like.” The exceptional love for Guru Yogi Bapa is itself Sant Bhagwant Sahebji’s incomparable bhakti. This Amrut Mahãparva is our opportunity to express our love towards our Guru. If you have love for the Sant, then ego, jealousy and all our shortcomings will drop off, and you can attain God’s grace. This blessed occasion is our opportunity to have darshan of bhakto whose lives have been transformed by Sant Bhagwant Sahebji's love."
Bhavishaben (UK), Shreebhai (USA), Shrutiben Pathak (India), Hetanbhai Patel (India) spoke on behalf of the youth, sharing their experiences. They spoke of the selfless love Sant Bhagwant Sahebji has showered; how he has made us fearless and how he has instilled us with the understanding that the results of our deeds are not important, but the way in which those deeds are done with samp, suhradbhãv and ektã, is what matters.
Pujya Pareshbhai spoke on behalf of the Santo, “without ever imposing any teaching on us, You have brought us up, nourished us, nurtured us and made our lives worthwhile!”
Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji : “The youths brought to life the smruti of the Atladara samaiyo, that is true bhakti.
Because we had love for him, we were able to follow his aagnã. To completely come out of life’s internal and external trappings, and for complete transformation to take place, Shri Akshar Purushottam Upãsanã is the way.