Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji arrived in the main hall amidst cheers and clapping by Hari-bhakto. As always, He arrived early to oversee the smallest of details and arrangements for the Prãn Prathisthã. The overwhelming peacefulness of the ceremony touched the core of everyone present.
Param Pujya Dinkerbhai in his blessings said, “Yogi Bapa used to say, the mandir is the college for liberation’. Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji is creating both the physical temples and the inner temples in each being, and that is what leads to liberation.”
Pujya Shantibhai : “The Lord that is seated in Akshardham, the one that has taken His seat in this Mandir, is the one whom we have attained face to face. Do not falter in this understanding. To yoke your soul to such a pragat Swaroop is Upãsanã.”
Pujya Ashvinbhai : “The creation of the mandir and consecration of the deities is an important aspect of our life. It is also an opportunity to devote our talents, treasure and time to the service of God.”